The Morris Triplets

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Time to Slow Down

Twenty five weeks today!  While I am excited about reaching this milestone in my pregnancy with no bedrest or medicine, I have recently realized the "easy days" may be coming to an end.  I have been very lucky so far to have a very enjoyable pregnancy with relatively no morning sickness or significant aches/pains.  As I said last week, I have been pretty tired, but overall, I feel good about how well my body has tolerated carrying these 3 little ones.
   Yesterday, I left work as usual and headed straight over to my weekly appointment.  Expecting everything to go well (I had a full day of errands planned), I strolled into the clinic and began talking to the secretary about how well I had been doing.  Little did I know, those errands were going to have to be put on hold for a while bc my babies wanted some rest.  The US was performed first which showed all 3 babies doing well with good strong heartbeats.  The bad news came when the sonographer checked my cervix and found it had shortened to quite a bit from the previous week.  As she was telling me that it had shortened and she would have to contact the MD on call, she went on to tell me to prepare myself for bed rest (and possibly hospital bedrest).  My MD decided to have me go to Baptist so they could monitor me to be sure that I was not having contractions that were causing my cervix to shorten.  After sitting in the hospital hooked up to a monitor for an hour, the nurse came in and told me that I was having a contraction about every 10 minutes.  Again she told me to prepare myself to go on bedrest and medication to stop these contractions, but said she was going to go inform my MD of the rate of contractions.  To my surprise, she came back in the room a few minutes later and told us that my MD had decided to let me "resume normal activity" for now. 
Hearing this news was relieving, but also scary.  I was glad that I did not have to stay in the hospital, but in my mind I was wondering if it is safe for me to "resume normal activity" when I am having 6 contractions per hour.  I know everyone tells me I should "quit reading those books" and "stay off the internet", but so far, that has been my main source of information (since my MD has not been informative at all).  I have not been given advice on any warning signs to be aware of and have not even had an MD discuss medication options that will be available if/when needed to stop pre term labor contractions.  The book that was recommended to me by a friend who recently had twins lists "6 or more contractions per hour" as a major warning sign for preterm labor and a cause to contact MD immediately.
Luckily, Travis has a great friend who is an OB and has been very helpful throughout my pregnancy.  Although, I am scared to change physicians at this point in my pregnancy, I do not feel comfortable with the quality of care I have received thus far.  A new physician was recommended who I am planning on seeing early next week.  I hope to get some answers about what I should/should not be doing at this point.  I am willing to do whatever is necessary to make these babies stay put for a few more weeks, but just need someone to tell me what to do. 
On a good note, I am very excited about my second shower tomorrow given by my wonderful aunts!

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