The Morris Triplets

Thursday, November 25, 2010

So Much to Be Thankful for this year!

Happy Thanksgiving--the day has an all new meaning to me this year!  I am so thankful for my 3 precious little ones, but also thankful for all of the friends and family who have been there for us during this difficult time.  Although we did not get to spend the entire day with our little ones, every minute with them at this time is precious.  We did get a few pics of them today of their first Thanksgiving.  We also discussed how different Thanksgiving will be next year when these  little ones are home and we are trying to keep up with them!
  Yesterday was an emotional day for me.  I was released from hospital after my near 6 week stay, but couldnt help being sad as we drove away without my babies.  I was also remembering 6 weeks ago when I drove into the hospital parking lot and how extremely scared I was at that time.  I know the babies are where they need to be at this time, but it is still very hard to be home without them. 
   Update on babies:
       Kate: she is doing excellent!  After the usual wt loss that happens in babies after birth she had dropped to 3lbs 5oz (from 3lbs 12oz at birth).  She has consistently gained weight over the past 2 days and is up to 3lbs 7 & 3/4oz.  Her hair is definitely red at this time.
       Braden: also doing very well!  His weight also dropped to 3lbs 5oz, but he too has been gaining weight the past 2 days and is up to 3lbs 6 3/4oz.  His hair is by far the darkest of the three.
       Brooks: doing well considering the obstacles he is having to overcome.  MD informed us yesterday that they detected a heart murmur in Brooks and he was going to have a cardiologist come check him out.  Turns out, the murmur is caused by an open PDA ( All babies have an open PDA--patent ductus arteriosus-- in utero which is their means of obtaining O2 from momma.  Typically this PDA will close after birth, however in some premature babies it does not close and causes a murmur.) Thankfully, this can be easily fixed by meds.  The problem is that while he is on the meds (3 doses 12 hours apart) they have to stop his feedings.  Entering the world at a mere 1lb 15oz, it pains me to think of keeping food from him at this time.  After the first 2 doses, nurse says he is doing well and will have 3rd dose tonight.  If all looks well, he will resume feedings tomorrow. 
    I pray that all will go well with Brooks tomorrow and we will hear good news that the PDA closed and he can resume feedings.  I also pray that Braden and Kate can continue to grow and do well as they have over the past 5 days.

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