The Morris Triplets

Friday, September 3, 2010

From the Beginning...

  Until this year, I have lived an absolutely normal, wonderfully average and typical life.  This year, however, has changed my so called "normal" life into an extraordinary story.  After waiting for God to bless us with a baby for about a year, in May of this year, Travis and I discovered I was pregnant.  It all began on Mother's Day.  I had a feeling that something inside me was different and that my prayers had been answered.  Little did I know that the Pink Plus sign I read that morning meant that my prayers had been answered x3!!  I went in for blood work the following week to confirm the home test that YES! I was pregnant!  Two weeks later we went in for our first US.  I can not remember the last time I was that nervous and excited.  I was praying for a heart beat and again our prayers were answered (and answered and answered!!).  I will never forget the shock between Travis and I when the sonographer looked up and said "Well, you got three".  "HUH" ...... was pretty much all we said for the first couple of minutes.  The sonographer went on to tell us how each baby was doing (by looking at heart rate).  Baby A and B's HR looked great, but Baby C's was a little bit slower.  We would have to go back in a couple of weeks to check on Baby C.  Thankfully, Baby C caught up quickly and measured comparable to A dn B at the next appt.  As our shock began to set in, the reality of our future came crashing down.  "How are we going to care for 3 babies?"  "I am going to need a new vehicle" " Will I be able to work...I have to work, I have 3 babies on the way!"
  The next few weeks were suprisingly easy.  I was expecting severe morning sickness (since they say it is 3x as bad with multiples), however I luckily did not experience the nausea that typicaly accompaines first trimester pregnancy.  Some mild headaches and pretty severe fatigue were the extent of my "first trimester blues".
  As each week passes, I have become more excited and less fearful of the future.  Many have reminded me that God will not give us more than we can handle.  I also frequently look at a bracelet given to me by my sister with Psalms 56:3 on it-"When I am afraid, I will trust in you".
  Since I am having triplets, I am considered a "high risk pregnancy".  Although this sounds bad, it definitely has its perks (especially since I have had a wonderful pregnancy thus far).  I am monitored very closely to ensure I do not need to go on bedrest which means I get an US every week at this point (weekly US began at 17 weeks).  At 15 weeks, Travis and I discovered we were having 2 boys and a girl--the perfect combination for us.   We are so excited about "instant family" as many have called it and can not wait to meet our sons and daughter.
  I am a little late getting started on this blog, as I will be 21 weeks tomorrow, but I figure better late than never.  I had another appt today which thankfully went well.  I have been told to "live my life as normal as possible" and "rest".  Resting is not in my nature, so this has been harder for me than expected, however I feel that as I contine to grow, I will be forced to rest--like it or not.

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