The Morris Triplets

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Triplet: a set of 3 (totally different!!!) items

It has been a big week in the Morris household--the kids hit the 18 month milestone, Travis and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary, and I started a new job. We are so blessed and reminded of God's love daily through the innocent, sweet spirit of our children. 
Although Braden, Brooks and Kate were all crammed together in my belly at the same time, were born on  the same day, and have relatively had the same experiences since they entered the world...Boy, are they DIFFERENT!  Their personalities seem to emerge more everyday, revealing the differences between these triplets.

Kate, my precious, loving, thumb sucking, sassy pants is living up to her "red head" persona these days.  She is mostly a sweet little girl who loves her teddy and tells you "night night" when she is ready for bed; but recently, her "sassy" side has emerged revealing a feistier side to my beloved little girl. She has learned to say "no no" and likes to tell the boys this when they are doing something they shouldn't---I think we will know who will be in charge:) She seems to have a harder time sitting through church and has begun "mini tantrums" to get her way. The sassier side comes on full force when she is tired!  We recently attempted to go eat at a restaurant with my grandmother for mothers day.....bad idea!  Travis was unable to go, but my parents were going, so I thought I could handle it...I was wrong and it will be a while before we enter a restaurant again.  The boys did pretty well, but Kate was tired and a pistol to say the least.  She did not want to sit down and preferred to roam the restaurant "reading" her book to strangers at tables nearby.  Thankfully, most of the tables around us were empty and those that did have customers were very nice and understanding.

Braden, my strong, energetic, fearful, lover of food, occasionally affectionate, sensitive, son.  Braden is a fun, energetic little boy.  He has a smile that literally spreads from ear to ear which lights up his entire face.  He still loves his " Mr elephant(s)" and paci when it is time to sleep.  He is a GREAT sleeper and often has to be woken up for meals.  He loves to sleep or even just lie in his bed and play until someone comes to get him.  He has always been a bit of a "clinger" when you hold him (he wraps his legs around you and squeezes so you cant put him down) and likes to fidget ( squeeze/pinch the back of my arm when I am holding him or mess with my fingernails).  He loves to please others and gets really proud of himself when he puts something in the trash.  He is also the best at the "clean up" game and will actually put toys up when asked...although they typically come right back out.  He is scared to death of the vacuum and Swiffer mop which mean I am usually holding him as I vacuum or swiffer the house.

Brooks, my fearless, clumsy, cuddley, daddy look-a-like, whiny, occasionally shy son who loves books and going outside.  Brooks is and has really always been the best cuddler of my 3 kiddos.  He knows how to curl up on you and snuggle just right to make it nearly impossible to put him down.  He has mastered this technique with his Losi and Gigi especially.  He loves looking at books and will sit and look at the same book for 15-20 minutes some days.  He is a bit clumsy, but this is not totally his fault...his feet are slightly inverted (turned in) which causes him to trip quite a bit more than Braden or Kate.  I feel sure this slight inversion will correct itself as he grows, but until then, I am a nervous wreck watching him play outside just waiting for the next tumble.  Despite his clumsiness, he is fearless ( a bad combination!). He climbs in, around, and over anything he can find and likes to navigate obstacles on his own without any help.  He is whiny.  I feel kind of bad saying this, but it is true.  He whines to be held multiple times a day, most days.  I say whine because they are rarely tears involved in these fussy spells.  He loves Macy and Mo ("Mamy and Mo") and scares me when he gets a little too close to them to try and pet them.

This post has ended up quite a bit longer than I was expecting, but I want to be able to look back in the future and remember the different stages we went through.  I know if I leave it all to memory, much of it will be forgotten.  I am nervous as we approach a new stage with smarter, more independent, much more mobile triplet toddlers, but I am also very excited to watch them continue to grow and learn daily.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you summed each of them up! You (& they) will be glad to have this when they're older!
